Sunday, April 19, 2009

Friends of the Pood

Carbon has just a few really good dog buddies. She's not the kind of Pood who just loves everybody -- oh, no, she is very selective. She likes and respects those who can stand up to her particular play style, which is an attentive rigid stare followed by a pounce and nose strike, and then about 5 or 6 360-degree spins (done to confuse and amaze her target) and then an enthusiastic run at top speed with her target hopelessly trying to catch her.

Cody is her best buddy really, although she takes terrible advantage of him.

Mango, the red Australian Cattle Dog, is her boyfriend. Carbon is actually just Mango's "winter girlfriend," but we have not told Carbon that. She would be very insulted to hear that he has another girlfriend during his summers in Stanley, Idaho.
Jasmine, the Australian Shepherd, is Carbon's winter nemesis, a new arrival to our winter camp community and a very energetic and playful girl! She and Mango are really well matched in terms of energy and endurance, but I think Carbon really has Mango's heart...thanks to her long legs and her "bendy-straw body," as Cindy calls it.

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