Monday, August 23, 2010

A Very Tired Poodle

Carbon had a USDAA agility trial back in April. It was a hot weekend, and the first day ran late, which meant that she had two runs on Saturday and then two more pushed forward to Sunday. So on Sunday she had the two 'leftover' runs, plus the two that were originally scheduled for Sunday, plus a Grand Prix run (please don't laugh).

The two runs she got in on Saturday were Starters Jumpers and Gambler. She was jumping 26" with miles to spare, but had a couple of mistakes. And in Gamblers, I just really got screwed up and while she did complete the Gamble we did not have enough points to Q.

But she is such a pretty jumper!! Looky here.

Sunday she had Starters Standard and Snooker. Not impressive. Poor contacts, and slow as molasses in the weaves. Then P2 Jumpers. Yuck. P2 Standard. Yuck again. Grand Prix was last. We were pathetic.

The last two pictures here capture the tone of the day beautifully.

I realized I had gotten caught up in the competitive spirit and overworked my dog. I vowed to be more conscious of her comfort and ability for the next trial, an SKC (Singapore Kennel Club) event the following weekend. See my next post for details on that.

All these photos are taken by, and used with permission of,

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