Monday, August 23, 2010

Carbon Defies Gravity to Win SKC Jumpers!!

Well, this Pood just wowed me with her efforts this past weekend!!! SKC (Singapore Kennel Club) had two trials in one day -- one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Her first Jumpers run was SO fast and fun and precise -- she was on fire!!! -- but I ran the wrong course (totally missed a tunnel) so we did not Q. This loss made me sad as Carbon was awesome, really wonderful, and the mistake was totally my fault -- she did exactly what I asked her to do, but I asked for the wrong thing! A humbling reminder to relax and PAY ATTENTION at all times on the course.

Our team members Darren and Sparkie won it, though, so I had some consolation as they REALLY did have a wonderful run and deserved their win.

Our Agility run in the morning was correct -- slow but steady, and still within SCT so we did Q (but no official placing - we actually came in 5th by points).

Our Agility run in the afternoon was...well, it had gotten quite hot, and I took Carbon out too early...I knew it too. She was very hot, and after the first 3 obstacles tried to run into the shade to lie down! I called her back and she finished but the 'refusal' cost us time and earned us faults, so no Q.

I walked her for a few minutes so she could cool off a bit, took her back to our tent, iced her down, and put her back in her pen to rest. I kept her quiet till it was time to run again.

It rained just a little as they were setting up the course for Jumpers....hmmmm...Carbon the Princess doesn't like being wet!!! so I took her out JUST before her run, hoping she would not notice the rain....we went in, ran, and she was super! Not quite as 'on fire' as in the morning, but great, and solid, and no errors -- and she won the class of 12. Won a B.A.T. (big-assed trophy) too. Darren and I are sharing it since he won it in the morning and I won it in the afternoon! So when I have it I will take her photo with it and post it here.

It was a very satisfying day!! GO POOD.

So, next is USDAA in mid-September. We will limit our runs to Starters Standard, Jumpers and Relay on Saturday, and P2 Standard and Jumpers on Sunday. We really want those P2 Q's.

More to come after USDAA.

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